

It's April 8, and the whole team is as excited as a child on Christmas Eve! It's finally D-Day. What a joy to announce it to you: Hubert Cloix is ​​moving!

Since 2017, a project has been built step by step in the secret of the small company of Saint Maur des Fossés. the lack of space was becoming evident, both in the production space and the administrative space. Thanks to the trust of our customers, we have finally been able to realize this dream. Attention, change of address in progress! Lognes, here is our new favorite city, Lognes, here is our new eldorado! Change of department: goodbye 94, hello 77!


New delivery entry, Lognes



Ldid you know? The society Hubert Cloix first “packed his bags” in Paris. It's 1973, sir Hubert Cloix has just left his previous company. Having signed a competition agreement, he created the company Hubert Cloix. The society first settled, from 1971 to 1973, at 15 rue Malher in Paris. It then moved to Avenue de Plaisance in 1973, to Saint Maur des Fossés in the Val de Marne. They remained there until 1980. Since then, the company has remained in Saint Maur des Ditches, but has moved to Avenue de l'Alma.


Former office of the president, Saint Maur des Fossés



Since April 8, the Hubert Cloix company has continued to write its history in the city of Lognes. This move also means… More space! We are moving from 600 m2 to around 2000 m2, dedicated to creation, productivity, imagination, testing… A new horizon full of hope is opening up before our eyes. And we are happy to achieve all this, with you by our side!

Our long-term objective: to be able to open our premises, and more specifically our laboratory, to tastings, meetings around projects, discovery of our equipment, machine tests, and so many other possibilities. We are sure you are looking forward to the ✨ before / after ✨ of our premises, as well as the role of each companion. We are preparing it for you very quickly in a new article, but in the meantime you can follow our pages Facebook et Instagram to follow the progress of our installation ✨