

Ahhhhh, the cookies…! There are those who love them in the morning at breakfast, those who keep them preciously for coffee after lunch, others who impatiently wait to eat them for afternoon tea (no, we confirm, there is no 'age to taste it) and true gourmets who taste them in the evening, in secret, like a little secret pleasure.

Neither time nor age for cookies, they are for everyone!

But the real cookie, in pastry, is the one that serves as the basis for a cake or a dessert.
And there are many, of different varieties! Zoom on the most famous cookies in the world of pastry ...

Spoon cookie

Certainly the most famous and used cookies, whether by professional pastry chefs or amateurs. These ultra simple cookies are made with eggs, flour and powdered sugar. Very airy and light, they are appreciated by all. They are found in many cakes such as Bavarian, charlotte or tiramisu…

The sponge cake

Also made with eggs, sugar and flour, this cookie, often presented in the form of a cake, is a very good base for certain desserts. It is frequently used, especially for strawberries.

The Joconde cookie

A great classic of French pastry, this biscuit made of eggs, flour, icing sugar and almond powder is very tasty and allows you to make the famous opera, the Christmas log and many other desserts.

Breton shortbread

Butter (that's the whole secret), sugar, eggs and flour. It's a cookie that can be used as a base for almost any cake, as long as you have a little creativity! Crispy, it gives substance to the desserts. It can be used as a base in logs, Mont-Blancs ...

Genoa bread

Almond paste, water, cornstarch, eggs, sugar ... Very soft, this cookie can be rolled to make a log, or even serve as a dessert, like the famous raspberry from Christophe Michalak. Yes, we too will taste good! At Hubert Cloix, we are (of course) unconditional fans of pastry. Cookies, chocolate, creams ... You can't resist the call of sugar for very long. So necessarily, our goal is that machines that we conceptualize helps bakers, pastry cooks, chocolate makers, ice cream makers to make the best possible products ... Yes, well, we admit, it's a bit interested as an approach, because necessarily, we want to taste behind!