Legal information


9 bellflower street
77185 – Lognes

Phone: +33 (0) 160331000
mail: contact [a]

Legal status

  • SAS with capital of 179 128 €
  • RC: 732 041 249 B Meaux
  • SIRET: 73204124900044
  • Intra-community VAT number: FR12732041249
  • NAF or APE code: Manufacture of machinery for the food industry (2893Z)


The site of the Hubert Cloix company is published by: Web paste

The publication and editorial director is Mr. Maximilien Cloix


  • GANDI SAS, a simplified joint-stock company with capital of 300.000 € having its registered office at
    63-65 boulevard Massena in Paris (75013) FRANCE,
  • RC: 423 093 459 RCS PARIS
  • Intra-community VAT number: FR81423093459

Copyright and intellectual property

 The presentation, the texts and each of the elements, including brands, logos, photos and domain names on the site Hubert Cloix belong to Hubert Cloix SAS and are protected by the laws in force on intellectual property.

Terms and Conditions

You will find at this address our up-to-date general sales conditions (GTC).

You will also find the measures put in place to be in compliance with the RGPD (Regulations for the management and protection of data) by following this link.

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